안녕하세요 🤗
해외에 나가보니 갑자기 영어단어나 말이 생각나지 않을 때가 정말 많더라고요..🤭
간단하지만 필수로 알고 있어야하는 상황별 영어회화를 메모장에 옮겨 갔던 내용입니다..
그때그때 번역기를 돌리는 것도 좋지만~ 중요 표현들은 메모장등에 적어두면 참고하기 아주 좋아요!
뉴욕여행 10박 11일 총정리, 일정등은 아래 링크에서 참고해주세요 !
What's the purpose of your visit?
- I'm here to travel ( sightseeing(관광), vacation(휴가))
How long will you be staying here?
- for 10days.
How many are there in your party?
- just One.
Do you have a return ticket?
- of course, here it is.
Where will you be staying?
- I'll stay at the airbnb / Jersey City
Please call an interpreter (통역요청)
* I speak a little english (이건 현지에서 스몰토크 등 말걸었을 때 쓰면 좋은 표현입니다~)
For here / To go, please (매장내 식사/ 포장)
Can I have the menu, please? (메뉴판~)
Excuse me, We are ready to order. (주문)
I’ll take this one.
OK, I’ll have that.
Can I get (one small latte, please?) (메뉴주문)
I'll have (one big mac combo with diet coke.)
Make it small, please.
Put it here, please.
I got the wrong order. (주문오류)
I didn’t order this.
My order hasn’t come yet. (주문확인)
Can I have some more water, please? (추가 문의)
Can I get more napkins?
Can I have a doggy bag, please? (남은 음식 포장)
Can I have it here ? (매장내 식사 가능여부)
Excuse me, can I get the bills please? (계산서)
Check, please. / Bill, please
유럽에서도 그렇고 미국에서도 그냥 손모양으로 네모 표시하면서 입모양으로만 얘기해도 알아듣고 가져다 주세요~
식사 후 바로 일어나 계산하러가는 한국문화와는 조금 다르게 계산서를 받은 뒤 그 자리에서 계산하는 경우가 많습니다!
I’d like to book a table for (인원수).
Do you have a table for two at 7:30?
I want to change my reservation. (예약 변경~)
We have a reservation at 7. (예약확인)
Five people at 2 p.m
I'm looking for 목적지
Could you show me on the map?
Excuse me, are you in line?
Where can I buy a ticket?
How much is admission? (입장권 가격문의)
I have a reservation (예약 확인)
I have booked online.
Can I get some directions?
Could you give me some directions?
Where can I get a cab?
I'd like to go 목적지
I need to go to the 목적지
Please take me to the 목적지
Central Park, please.
Could you stop here
Would you pull over here?
Please stop at the next light.
[기타 ]
Would you mind taking a picture for me ?
Thanks, but I'm just looking around (가게 점원이 말시킬 때,,)
I'd like to try this (제품 착용해보고 싶을 때)
It was really nice talking to you (스몰토크)
what's up? / - not much, you? (스몰토크)
Iit's ok. I'm good.
It was nice to meet you.
have a good one (전 이 말을 정말 많이 썼어요~ 어디 입장할때나 호스트 가족들을 만났을때, 스몰토크 거시는 분들께도요! )
I’ll take this.
OK, I’ll have that
I'd like to try this. (착용해보고 싶을 때)
Do you take credit cards?
간단하지만 바로바로 나오지 않을 때를 위해 화면캡쳐나 메모장 이동을 추천합니다!
도움이 되셨으면 좋겠어요~🤗